Looking After Your Smile
Looking After Your Smile Health and well-being come from nurturing yourself in a variety of different ways, and one great way to achieve this is by smiling. We were given a great reason to smile recently when Bupa Dental Insurance approached us to contribute some expert advice to a blog…
Five Ways to Boost Metabolism
People are always talking about the ways to boost metabolism as if it is something we have significant control over. We need to speed it up or we can inadvertently slow it down if we don’t do the right thing. But, metabolism is just the collection of chemical processes that…
Kefir – All About the Health Benefits, Plus a Recipe!
The important role of the bacterial “tenants” that live in our gut is becoming more and more understood. And with it, the reasons why we should remember to feed them when we feed ourselves. With bacterial cells outnumbering our human cells 10 to 1 (yes, that means our body contains…
Health Benefits of Chia
Chia seeds seem to be sprouting up everywhere these days in a variety of health foods. Although the chia seed seems like a “new” food, chia has actually been around for over 3500 years. Chia is a seed native to southern Mexico from a plant called Salvia hisipanica. In Mexico, the Aztecs and Mayans…