Recently published under nutrition

Part 1: Nutrition to Boost Your Immune System

Are you tired of catching every cold and flu that you come in contact with? Do you dread the colder weather because you are afraid of getting sick? Are you obsessed with disinfecting everything to prevent illness? Although viruses and bacteria are the primary cause of many illnesses, your diet…

Christmas Day the Healthy Way

You can still have a fabulous Christmas Day without ending the day feeling horribly full and sluggish. With a few simple swaps you can indulge in delicious, healthy foods that won’t leave you requiring an afternoon nap. Swap Fatty Meats and Enjoy a Seafood Christmas. The hot Queensland climate makes…

Mindfulness and Weight Loss

Have you ever eaten a meal while at your desk during a busy day and realised you ate everything without even noticing? Have you ever eaten an entire bag of potato chips before you even knew it was gone while watching TV? You may be engaging in mindless eating.  Not…

Vitamin D Deficiency

After a recent doctors visit for some routine blood work, I discovered I have vitamin D deficiency. You may be thinking, how can a dietitian be deficient in any vitamin? Well, vitamin D is different from other vitamins because food is generally a poor source.  So, no matter how balanced my…

Benefits of Beetroot

This is the first of many featured ingredients for our new blog series 'GOODNESS ME!'.  Each fortnight we will feature a new ingredient and tell you all the amazing health and nutritional benefits and give you some tips of how to use them in your every day diet.   Comment…
A filling salad with black beans, quinoa and spinach leaves

Quirky Quinoa Salad

We have posted about how much we love the super grain Quinoa before (check it out here) so I thought we should post another recipe for you all to try!  I made this for a family Summer BBQ we had last weekend.  I knew my sisters would love it however I…
Ingredients for our Protein Ball recipe

Date and Almond Protein Balls

I always get asked by my clients for some easy and healthy snack options and when I came across this recipe, I knew I had to try it. A great thing about this recipe is that it uses Cacao (pronounced ka-kow). I love Cacao powder.  If you don't know much…

Zucchini, Carrot and Sweet Potato Slice

I love eggs! And I love zucchini slice even more!  To be honest, my Mum makes the best zucchini slice in the world (doesn't everybody's mum?)...pretty surprising considering my Mum absolutely hates egg.  I think the reason I love zucchini slice so much is that it is such an easy…

Easy food swaps to a healthier you!

To have healthy eating habits doesn’t have to be quite as complicated as you may think. There are some tasty and really simple swaps you can do to achieve it. One very simple swap, which I use every day, is instead of having butter or margarine, swap it for a…
Some foods although packed with energy can make you feel tired and listless

Foods That Make You Go Zzzzz….

Anybody that knows me well, knows that I'm a fabulous sleeper. You say the word 'sleep' (or pyjamas for that matter) and I'm in la-la land. Despite my innate ability, not being able to get a good night’s rest is an issue that I find many of my clients struggle with on…
New Life Nutrition Corporate Logo

Welcome to New Life Nutrition

Welcome to New Life Nutrition! I am Julie Masci - an accredited practising dietitian and the director of a private practice in Brisbane.  From a proud Italian family, you can only imagine that I have been surrounded by food my entire life (and yes I am still struggling to convince  my father that…