Haemorrhoid Dietitians Brisbane

Do you bleed painlessly during your bowel movements?
Do you feel an itch or irritating sensation in your anal section?
Do you experience any discomfort, inflammation or soreness around your anus?
Is there a painful or tender lump near your anus?

Our dietitians are here to help you..

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you may have haemorrhoids.

But not to worry! We’ve been helping many people around Brisbane to effectively manage this condition for years now, and we can definitely help you too.

Our accredited dietitians and nutritionists here at New Life Nutrition have an outstanding combination of expert knowledge, skills and experience to help you deal with your haemorrhoids in the most comfortable and effective ways possible.

After your consultation and assessment, we may recommend easy to follow lifestyle changes that are proven to assuage your haemorrhoid symptoms, and possibly even stop them from coming back! We can also help you develop and follow a personalised treatment package including a customised dietary plan with ample water and exercise.

What are Haemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids are a type of varicose veins that form in your anus and lower rectum. Also called piles, haemorrhoids may develop from constant straining during your bowel movements or during pregnancy. They are generally classified into two: internal haemorrhoids form inside your rectum, while external haemorrhoids are found under the skin around your anus.

An external haemorrhoid becomes a thrombosed haemorrhoid when a clot develops in it. While non-life-threatening, a thrombosed haemorrhoid brings intense pain. At times, a surgical operation may be needed to remove the clot.

For those who have haemorrhoids, we have good news: there are various effective treatment options available to help you live comfortably even with haemorrhoids. Most of our clients experience immediate relief from their symptoms after consulting with an experienced dietitian and implementing the recommended lifestyle changes.

What are the different types of Hemorrhoids?

Internal Haemorrhoids

Internal haemorrhoids are found inside your rectum. They are usually small veins lining the wall of your anal canal.

Seeing or feeling these haemorrhoids can be tricky because they are located inside your body. While they seldom bring discomfort, they can bleed while you are straining during your bowel movements and cause irritation whenever faeces pass out of your anus. In rare instances, the pressure of straining can be enough to nudge an internal haemorrhoid out of your anal opening, leading to an irritating and painful prolapsed or protruding haemorrhoid.

One telltale sign that you have an internal haemorrhoid is the sight of fresh blood on the toilet paper, toilet bowl or even your stool itself after your normal bowel movement.

For a prolapsed or protruding haemorrhoid, you may feel intense pain when your anal muscles put pressure on them during your bowel movements, or when the blood supply to it stops. The sight of mucus in your stool or toilet paper is another sign that you have this specific type of haemorrhoid.

External Haemorrhoids

External haemorrhoids are found under the skin around your anus. This type of haemorrhoids is identifiable by their itchy sensation or bleeding once they are irritated.

Thrombosed Haemorrhoids

Thrombosed haemorrhoids, also called clotted haemorrhoids, develop from an external haemorrhoid that was irritated and formed a clot. This clot (known as a thrombus) is the result of a pool of blood that gathered in your external haemorrhoid. Signs that you may have a thrombosed haemorrhoid include a solid mass near your anus, intense pain, soreness and a swollen anal region.

Common Causes of Haemorrhoids

An estimated three out of four adults will develop haemorrhoids every now and then, making haemorrhoids an extremely common health condition. But they don’t always lead to bleeding, itching or soreness in your anal region.

The symptoms are different for every person, but they are largely based on the location or type of haemorrhoid you may have.

The number one cause of haemorrhoids is straining during your bowel movements, which may be aggravated further by episodes of constipation or diarrhoea.

Pregnancy also increases your risk of having haemorrhoids. Your veins experience tremendous stress from your enlarged uterus.

Haemorrhoids are not formed overnight. The small veins and vessels in and around your rectum and anus are tasked to deliver deoxygenated blood back to your heart. When this process of blood transportation is disrupted – which is the natural consequence of straining during your bowel movement – your veins and vessels can swell with blood and expand.

Some of the major causes of haemorrhoids include:

  • Straining during your bowel movement due to constipation
  • Pregnancy
  • Genetics
  • Tedious physical activities or jobs
  • Sitting on hard surfaces for long periods

Our experts are ready to help you deal with your haemorrhoids..

All our dietitians have been accredited by the Dietitians Association of Australia and have years of professional experience in helping our clients deal with their hemorrhoids and other bowel health conditions.

Book your appointment now to discuss the next best steps you can take about your haemorrhoids.

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