Recently published under Facts & Figures

Healthy Seeds and Nuts to Snack On

Looking for healthier food options to munch on throughout the day? Nuts and seeds are good alternatives to snack on every time you feel a little pang of hunger in between meals. High in fibre, protein and good fat, they boost your strength and energy, make you feel fuller faster,…

Cold Pressed Juice: Is It Really Better?

You may have noticed a lot of juice shops selling cold-pressed juice recently. Cold-pressed juice can even be found in various restaurants, grocery stores, or even some coffee shops. The claim is that cold-pressed juice is healthier (or maybe just trendier) than traditionally extracted and pasteurised juices. But, what exactly…

The Pros and Cons of Juice

Juice is very popular. How can you resist them when they look insta-fabulous with a filter and served in a mason jar? #Healthy #CleanEating Nutritionally speaking juices have pros and cons and are not the holy grail of health. They have their benefits depending on the context. Context is very…

The Benefits & Disadvantages of Organic Food

Recently, organic foods have increased in popularity due to the perceived health benefits which have come about from the clean eating trend.  Let's look at the benefits and possible disadvantages of buying and eating organic fruit, vegetables, dairy and meat. First of all it is important to define what makes a food…

Fish Oil – Is It Important to Take & Why?

When it comes to fish oil, experts are divided regarding the usage and safety in the general population. Research has shown the benefits of eating fish and other seafood. However, the benefit may not just lie in the type of fat found in fish, but also other nutritional factors found…

All About Milk Nutrition

“Do you want low fat, no fat, full cream, high calcium, high protein, soy, light, skim, omega 3, high calcium with vitamin D and folate or extra dollop”… You may remember this confusing question from a Pauls Milk commercial previously aired in which a customer innocently asked a shop assistant…

The Heart Foundation Controversy

You may have heard in the news lately that the Heart Foundation is involved in a bit of controversy with the nutrition community. As a dietitian, practising here in Australia, I thought I would weigh in on the subject. First of all, the Heart Foundation is an organisation dedicated to…

Should I Count Calories?

You may have heard the phrase “calories in versus calories out” when it comes to losing weight. It is true that calories do count for losing weight. The idea of counting calories started around the turn of the 20th century with the invention of a machine that helped measure calories…

Benefits of Beetroot

This is the first of many featured ingredients for our new blog series 'GOODNESS ME!'.  Each fortnight we will feature a new ingredient and tell you all the amazing health and nutritional benefits and give you some tips of how to use them in your every day diet.   Comment…

Coconut Oil – Is It Actually Good for You?

Coconut oil has traditionally been seen as an unhealthy oil to use in cooking due to its high content of saturated fat. It is generally accepted that a diet high in saturated fat will raise cholesterol, therefore those with high cholesterol or even a genetic predisposition for high cholesterol have…
Fruit juice tetra-pack next to teaspoons full of sugar

Juice: Health Food or Junk Food?

Often people suggest that instead of soft drink, they will have a juice. I'll put it out there - I hate juice. It provides a false sense of security as it comes from something healthy like fruit. However, when you look at how many teaspoons of sugar a juice has,…

Quinoa – the Superfood Super Grain

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is a grain-like seed that is becoming more and more popular in recent times – and for good reasons!  It is a perfect grain for vegetarians, as it is high in protein and essential amino acids (higher in protein than any other grain in fact!), as well…